Tapas route not vegetarian-friendly


February 18

The Ruta de Tapas in Dénia looks like an excellent way in which to explore the fantastic and tasty range of regional food. Unfortunately, not all visitors will be able to sample these culinary delights. I’m not vegan; neither am I totally vegetarian (I do eat fish), but it’s a great shame that those who are, can’t take part in this wonderful event.
As the Costa Blanca News has reported, no dishes are suitable for vegans and only two venues are providing vegetarian food. Sadly, this appears quite short-sighted, as the number of vegetarians and vegans are increasing, both in Spain and other European countries. I recently visited a vegan restaurant in Xábia and it was packed to the rafters; with Spanish diners, too!
Alicante, Valencia and other towns and cities also have well-established veggie eateries. Hopefully, next year, we’ll see more veggie options on the menu in Dénia.

Kind regards
Garry Sheen


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