Alfaz police to be issued with Tasers


ALFAZ DEL PI town council has approved the purchase of four Taser stun guns for the local police force.
The purchase, proposed by the department of public security, aims to provide officers with more modern means and improve working conditions, explained Toni Such, the councillor responsible for the area. “The stun guns are an important deterrent, ideal both for their technical characteristics and their intimidating power”. An intermediate solution, adds Such, “to deal with high-risk situations for police officers and also for third parties”.
Tasers are non-lethal and make it possible to reduce a person by causing less physical damage, which is why the department of public security considered it necessary to include them in the equipment of police officers in order to improve their effectiveness.
The purchase of the pistols cost €14,903.52 plus €3,129.74 IVA. “These new police weapons are a moderate alternative to the use of firearms in serious situations. In order to be able to use these weapons, the officers will receive prior training,” concludes Such, “and their acquisition is an additional safety measure both for our officers and for the public in general.


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