Brexit in name only is democracy in name only


September 3

Before the referéndum in 2016, the British Government sent a leaflet to every household which said that whatever decision the voters took would be implemented by the Government. The vote for leaving was a clear one million victory for Brexit and Teresa May became Prime Minister with the mantra of ´Brexit means Brexit´.
However, during the negotiations with the EU, May and her Government have sold the country out at every stage. You couldn´t trust them to negotiate the price of a second hand car for you. While David Davies was officially doing the negotiations, we now know that Civil Servants in May´s Office were drawing up a different plan which has become known as the `Chequers Plan´. May flew to Germany to get Merkel´s approval for this plan and then later sprang it on her Cabinet leading to a few resignations.
The ´Chequers Plan´ states that the UK will leave the EU under Article 50 at the end of March next year, and the rest of the document makes it clear that very little else will change significantly. The UK will continue to comply with European Union rules and regulations even new ones they bring in after we have left.
The truth is that what is being proposed by May´s Government is Brexit in name only. In so doing, May is not only selling the country out, she is selling democracy out.
Brexit in name only is Democracy in name only.



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