Valencia’s Gürtel corruption case reaches court

GRAF2297. SAN FERNANDO DE HENARES (MADRID), 15/01/2018.- (De izda a dcha) Álvaro Pérez Alonso 'El Bigotes', responsable de la empresa Orange Market; Pablo Crespo, número dos de la trama Gürtel, y Francisco Correa, empresario y 'cabecilla' de la trama, durante el juicio que se celebra en la Audiencia Nacional sobre la supuesta financiación ilegal del PP de Valencia a través de la trama Gürtel. EFE/ Fernando Alvarado ***POOL***

THE FORMER top brass of Valencia region’s Partido Popular (PP) – and the businessmen who operated the Gürtel corruption network – went on trial in Madrid this week.

They stand accused of colluding to pay for PP election campaigns in 2007 and 2008 with money raised from illegal commissions paid by companies to ensure they won public contracts.

Full report in Friday’s Costa Blanca News


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