Waste disposal site fire

Hands typing on vintage typewriter on wooden table.

January 25

Dear Editor,

Recently you have reported on the fires at the Ramblars waste disposal site in Jávea that have been burning for many weeks.

The smoke from these fires is a serious threat to public health, and has been making life very unpleasant for those living in the vicinity and for us too, as far away as the Arenal.
We are told it is impossible to put out the fires but if the will is there I am sure it can be done, and as soon as humanly possible.

Laurann Lowenthal has started an on-line petition so if you, or someone you know is affected by this filthy smoke, please add your name by following this link:

https://www.change.org/p/conselleria-de-sanitat-universal-i-salut-p%C3%BAblica-de-la-generalitat-val enciana-no-mas-humo-en-javea

Jan Rylatt


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