TIE process


September 5

The letter from Doug Allen in the Sept 4th Costa News might have been submitted by me as it mirrored my experience and thoughts regarding the updating of ‘padróns’ and getting an appointment to obtain the new TIE.
Having read Garry Sheen’s letter of the 7th August I thought I’d start the process by updating my padrón only to be informed by the ‘guard’ at the door of the Ayuntamiento that I needed an appointment and it could only be obtained via the internet and he supplied me with the necessary information to enable me to do this. Again, a setback as the first date offered and which I accepted, was the 7th October – two months later!
As the Padron, which I understood is, in itself, valid for five years, has to be less than three months old to be accepted when applying for the new TIE; everything now has to be put on hold until next month.
As Doug Allen put it, are the British no longer welcome: not just in Torrevieja but in Orihuela Costa where I live?

Thank you for your time,
(Please withhold my name, as I still want to renew my residency!)


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