Breaking the law

Three in 10 motorbikes in La Safor are without an ITV


OVER 4,500 motorbikes and mopeds in La Safor (southern Valencia province) have no valid ITV – Spain’s answer to an MOT.
This translates as nearly three in 10, given that a total of 15,545 bikes are registered with owners in the district.
Two-wheeled motor vehicles are required by law, in the same way as cars are, to have an ITV check every two years from when they are four years old, and then annually from 10 years old onwards.
Not doing so means a fine of between €200 and €500.
But a total of 4,515 bikes of 125cc or more have expired ITVs, have never undergone one at all, or have failed and their owners have not bothered to go through a re-test.


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