Feral cats problem taken seriously


September 23, 2016

We are delighted that the council are starting to take the problem of feral cats seriously. We as a community started a Catch, Neuter and Release project ourselves back in May, and it has been a great success. We started off in Plaza Tolosa, Urb. San Luis, Torrevieja, now Casa Ventura, San Luis, and a residential group in El Chaparral are also doing their own program. We raise funds through table top sales, donations etc. and have fantastic members that give their time to trap and take the cats for their operations and take care of them afterwards, and of course the vets that do the operations at discounted prices for us.
The cats themselves are so much healthier and happy, so much so that they write their own newsletters, to keep everyone updated. In San Luis our 45th cat went to the vets today, this means we have prevented the potential number of 200+ kittens being born since we started in May.

Mairead Johnson


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