Translators at hospitals


May 12, 2018

Dear Editor,
People gripe about the cost of interpreters but if they took the trouble to read the CBN properly, (The information about Help International, Benidorm), they would see that HELP have interpreters and as we are a charity we have interpreters for a donation, so that no one needs to be without help at the doctors or anywhere else for that matter. We also loan out equipment for just a returnable deposit and also it is nice if the person who borrows it gives a donation. We assist patients in hospital and our qualified nurse can pay regular visits to the housebound, we can assist in emergencies acting as good neighbours by providing advice when people do not know where to turn.
We offer our members a good social life and always pleased to meet people who drop in on Thursday mornings at 10-30am to our regular meeting at Jose Llorca Llinares Social Centre, Calle Goya, Benidorm 03502

Warmest regards,
Marilyn Rogers

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