Rubbish in Orihuela Costa


Orihuela Costa
August 8, 2017

Hi. I live on Pinada Golf 1 where we are experiencing problems with bin emptying. This is done, at best, every second day even during the summer.
As a result, bags and other items are being dumped beside the full bins (I have a recent picture)… As the collectors do not pick these up, they are being put into the empty bins making them half-full and meaning at least two more days go by before the cycle is repeated.
All local areas in the Orihuela Costa seem to have similar problems and it is clear the council cannot cope with the situation with their current resources. However, they are giving approval for hundreds of new house to be built locally. This situation will have a devastating effect on tourism with many local visitors expressing their disgust at the smell, appearance and health problems created by this mess.
What is the plan of the Orihuela Costa to deal with this problem?

Harry Richmond


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