Political party ‘implosion’

San Fulgencio
March 24
As a resident of La Marina Urbanization San Fulgencio I feel compelled to make contact with you regarding your recent article ‘San Fulgencio’s PIPN party implodes’ (definition of implodes = to collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards, to end or fail suddenly or dramatically and be unable to operate.)
I am amazed that a newspaper of your standing and integrity would publish such an inflammatory and divisive article with its ‘sensationalist’ headline, especially at a time when the people of La Marina now more than ever need to come together.
It is a totally one-sided story based only on Ms Hull’s letter of resignation and claims of alleged and undocumented broken promises.
Had you been at the PIPN ‘open to all’ public meeting on the March 20, 2019, you would have seen for yourself that the PIPN are a party that is bigger and stronger than any one person. More determined than ever to give the people of San Fulgencio and La Marina Urbanization the governance they truly deserve.
Anthony Healey


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