Dave Jones Giants Cauldron walk in Feb 5-11 edition


Email, June 1, 2016

My wife and I recently walked the Giants Cauldron route you featured in the Feb 5-11 edition of Costa News.
Sadly, after leaving the Cauldron and walking into the open area towards the motorway, we noticed the yellow/white waymarked stripes had been painted over, presumably by the landowner. This made us hesitate to go further, so we were unable to complete this amazing walk.
Last year we attempted to start this walk from the motorway end and found the land studded with ‘Private’ signs and chains across the pathway. Perhaps you could revisit this site and look into our findings.
Bob and Barbara Hill

Hi Bob,
Sadly, landowners have vandalised signage and attempted to block off paths in the area you speak of. However, they haven’t done a very good job painting over the waymarks and the marks the walker has to follow are still visible.
Any chains or piles of earth they have dumped in an attempt to divert the walker should be ignored or stepped over. This is route which has been sanctioned by the regional government and the local town halls. They invested a lot of money in it.
It is very annoying and very sad that people should try to prevent others enjoying this wonderful area – but, don’t let them win. Keep on walking!

Cheers, Dave Jones


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