Car hire and stolen card


I would like to express how DoYouSpain has no compassion and are greedy and just out to take money.
I lost my wallet so did not have credit card to use although I had paid for a week’s car hire.
Cancelled first thing Monday morning as they were closed when I landed Sunday night.
No, they said, no refund, its policy. Greed!
Please let people know
Lee Bartlett

Mr Bartlett
Although the company’s compassion is questionable, we have checked the ‘small print’ under T&C on DoYouSpain website and it does say clearly that no refunds will be made if the cancellation is not made before the vehicle was scheduled to be picked-up.
Readers are always advised to check the small print before hitting the accept button. Meanwhile, many websites – such as this one – are simply middlemen; the vehicle is actually rented from another company, which will also have its own T&Cs.


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