Huge investment provided for Doñana recovery

SEV01 SEVILLA, 17/06/09.- Imagen de archivo de la laguna de Santa Olalla, en pleno corazón de Doñana. Las marismas del Parque Nacional de Doñana se secarán en unos años si no se les garantiza un caudal anual de unos 200 hectómetros cúbicos de aguas superficiales y subterráneas, el triple del que recibe actualmente, según ha advertido hoy WWF-España. EFE/Eduardo Abad

The government is stumping up €350 million for the ‘ecological restauration’ of the Doñana national park in Andalucía.

The protected area of marshes, shallow streams and sand dunes in the delta where the Guadalquivir River flows into the Atlantic Ocean is home to endangered species such as the Spanish imperial eagle and the Iberian lynx.

It is facing a number of environmental problems caused by the impact of intensive agriculture and the overexploitation of water resources, as well as nearby development.

Full report in Friday’s Costa Blanca News

Photo: EFE


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