Boris nightmare for residents

July 29
Dear Editor,
Your headlines ‘Boris rekindles Brexpats’ fears’ and ‘Brexit or bust’ by October 31 could be nightmare scenario for residents’ were entirely apposite.
In the course of the last few days, we have learnt that Britain is now governed by a doctrinaire cabal that worked for Vote Leave, and that it is prepared to suspend Parliament if Parliament tries to block a no deal Brexit. We have also learned that leading members of all political parties are preparing to work together through the summer to do just that.
If any British citizen believes that leave, especially with no deal, is the wrong direction, please sign the on line Petition to Parliament ‘Revoke Article 50 and Remain in the EU’. It is open till August 20. And encourage their friends to do the same. There are already over 6 million registered. Wouldn’t it be great to get to 17.5 million!
Kate Ferry


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