Not all Valencia region will enter new partial lockdown exit phase on Monday

Minister Illa a the press conference announcing the new measures. EFE

Not all Valencia region will begin phase 1 of the lockdown exit plan after its request was only partially approved this afternoon by a panel of experts and sanctioned by central government. In Alicante province nearly all districts will enter the new phase, except Alicante city area (San Juan, Campello, San Vicente) and the Elche-Crevillente area.
Only the southern districts of Valencia province (Gandia and Xátiva-Ontinyent) plus Requena will begin phase one, while the rest, including the city itself, will remain in phase zero. And in Castellón province only Vinaroz district will begin the next lockdown exit phase.
The whole of Murcia region enters phase 1.
In those areas given the green light to enter phase 1, from Monday (May 11), bar terraces will be able to open with a 50% occupation of tables, meetings of up to 10 people will be allowed providing social distancing measures are taken and shops with a surface of less than 400sqm will be allowed to open without needing appointments (as required this week) providing their usual customer capacity is reduced to 30%.
Central government, acting on the 12-strong panel’s advice, has turned down Madrid region’s request to enter phase 1. Cataluña (except Tarragona) and Castilla-León (except certain rural areas) did not request to progress to phase 1 and will remain in phase zero along with Madrid and other areas in different regions where the number of cases are still high.


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