Vote for Life Bill


By Email
November 10

While we wait for the Court in Europe to make the decision on our case, that the Brexit negotiations are illegal, we give a thought to the ‘Vote for Life’ Bill that is going through the House of Commons.
I have been asked: “What can we do to help get the Bill through?”
As we know, the machinery of the House moves very slowly. We can do little to speed things up, BUT there is something that we can do.
We can give more ammunition to the M.P. who is taking the Bill through the House, our friend, Glyn Davies M.P.
When he next speaks in the House, it would be great if he could empty, from a sack, hundreds of notes of support for his Bill.
Only a couple of lines, just saying you support his Bill.
The right to vote was commented on some time by Churchill, his words make interesting reading…
“It was a logical and unimpeachable principal to activate; that the only safe rule for doing justice electorally between man and man was to assume… that all men are equal and that all discriminations between them are unhealthy and undemocratic.”
Now, there’s some food for thought!
By the way… when you write to your MP, it might help if we reminded them that our friends and family, still in their constituency are expecting their MP not to block the ‘Vote for Life’ Bill.
So, as the Man said: When we win… and win we must… and win we shall…

Harry Shindler MBE


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