The mixed pension aged couples rules

July 3
Have any of your readers been made aware of the new UK DWP rules dated May 15, 2019 for couples where one couple, spouse or partner, is younger and will not reach their State Pension age (SP) at the same date as the older spouse or partner. This is a ruling that is likely to affect everyone unless their SP is on the same date.
Under this rule as I have interpreted it, where only one couple has reached their SP then BOTH couples are to be classified as working age group and must sign on for Universal Credit (UC). This seems to say that the older spouse who is currently in receipt of their pension must relinquish it and either obtain employment or sign on as of working age but will be able to then apply for UC which will be ‘Means tested’. The younger spouse or partner if not already employed must sign on for UC.
This ruling applies to resident couples in the UK who can apply for UC, Pension Credit only applies to those who are in the pension age group.
This ruling appears to be a back door method to save SP. I read that there is a vast difference between a pensioner receiving Pension Credit where needed and those pensioners now forced onto the possibly means tested UC. It means that there is the possibility that where a spouse was in receipt of SP only they were not asked to declare their capital but now under the new ruling no doubt they will be means teased and all their savings will be set against them.
I have written to the DWP international pension centre (IPC) on this subject and not yet received a reply.
I and my wife who are resident pensioners fall into this category and believe that if this ruling is forced onto us then we could well find my, the older spouse’s SP removed and told to seek employment at 82 because expat pensioners are not entitled to apply for that UC.
We are further concerned that on April 6, 2020 our pension, if we still receive it, is to be reduced by 1/3rd and my wife will no longer be my dependant spouse but since she has not reached her SP then she has to apply for a Spanish working permit.
Might sound crazy but then it is not the first time this government have forced out new laws and rules without looking into ALL the consequences.
William P. A. Beaumont


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