Paying for Brexit bigtime


November 28

First, many thanks to all concerned for the recent informative talk from various sources, given in Denia re Brexit.
We were one of many who tried to vote but it was stopped, so now after 14 years into retirement where do we go?
I admired the Bravado of our Prime Minister but now appalled at the weak stance she has taken.
I would encourage all Expats to read the online /nodeal to read the preparation already in place if, there is a “No Deal” and there is a great chance this will happen. You will need to put in the search box no deal and find the relevant chapters and the other links.
I hope these 9,000 + (another extra 12,000 if a no deal) civil servants are ready to transport us to and from the U.K!
I read the article on movements and flight information. Apart from the fact the landing take-off slots are agreed, it appears that as soon as we leave in 2020 the EU has not finalised and, left open the subject of flight essentials.
How “naive” is the government to agree to vital airport slots but, no agreement as to which Aero company can design, manufacture, deliver and provide flights.
Airline companies and other transport have to apply for E U licences as they lose the automatic right to operate air services between UK as well as those intra-EU services such as Paris to Milan.
Each paragraph ends with the EU has not agreed to requested major issues and reserved the right to change this later. Very likely, they can after 2029 set up only EU maintenance, pilots and cabin crew to be used. Very possible adding extra costs to and from the UK even restrictions.
That’s apart from non-EU citizens paperwork formalities.
Possibly these ‘opt outs’ will also allow such items as the agreed SIP health care could change , but can they charge us for the full cost of prescriptions?
How many new laws are ready in the 27 countries to be imposed on us, as there is no written in law contract otherwise?
Alarming if this signed ‘Withdrawal’ contract goes into a ‘No Deal’ in 2020, and then it has so many loopholes to allow the EU to have so much more control.
As a Spanish resident I have kept out of politics, and do not want anxiety but, we all must be clear what is only 2 years away!
I have no doubt the EU will make us pay for this Brexit big time!
I hope we will be pleasantly proved wrong.


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