More Covid restrictions


January 20

Well here we are again, where to begin,

All my friends and I have tried to keep positive, chatting by Zoom, cooking together via Zoom trying to act as if we were all in the same kitchen, as normally we would be putting the world to right.

Having movie nights with a glass of wine watching the same film. Sounds silly, I know but you feel less alone and feel part of something.

Up until now we have been very lucky in our region but now it seems more than anything the figures are way up there, which is frightening to say the least.

When the regional government changed the rules again on Tuesday (they came into force yesterday), my first thought was oh the poor businesses they have had so much to cope with and now so many can’t open at all. I just felt so sad, whole families are not working the pressure it puts on them, the bills that are going to go unpaid.

I know the government said they will help out but really where is the money coming from ? Yes the state can borrow but it has to be paid back and it will all come down to us or the next generation.

This situation is no one’s fault, It’s here, it’s now and we have to deal with it the best way we can.

Personally, I am lucky I can still get in my car and go to work which at least keeps my mind active and makes me get up, put my makeup on and get dressed.

So many of us have not seen our families for over a year now, my two sisters in the UK have been very ill, and as much as you talk to them, try to support them, its not the same as getting on a plane and getting to their front door and cuddling them and making it right.

We all put a front on saying it won’t be long now, we can be together and what a great party we will have celebrating every birthday, we have missed.

So many of us are in the same boat. We just have to be strong, be positive and be kind.

Jo Watts


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