Disposal of cars

December 30
Dear Sir,
I own a villa in Alicante province, with my old car sitting in the garage unused for several months, as a result of which its’ ITV has expired; it remains taxed and insured.
Could your motoring correspondent tell me how to get rid of it legally as I will be unable to use it again. I am now living in the UK and have changed my Spanish driving licence (held for over thirty years) for a British one.
I will be in Spain from Jan 4 for six days only but will be unable to return there any time soon, if at all (for health reasons).
Yours faithfully,
E H Norfolk
Dear Sir,
Your easiest path would be to contact to an authorised scrapyard (Centro Autorizado de Tratamiento de Vehiculos) that will tow away the car (you could drive it there yourself but if stopped you will be fined for not having ITV), scrap it, probably give you a few euros for it and then notify Tráfico to sign it off.
Of course, you will have to present the vehicle’s documentation in your name and your own personal ID.
Once the ‘baja’ has been done, it should automatically be taken off the tax list.
However, as 2020 has already started you may face the payment of this year’s ITVM vehicle tax. As it will take a several days before your nearest SUMA or town hall is notified, you probably won’t be able to check with them before your return to the UK, but it should be automatic eventually.
You can request a return of ITVM tax on quarterly periods (if you have already been charged for 2020 you can request the return of the amount corresponding to the three remaining quarters of the year, but for this you must go to the SUMA office or town hall).
You will have to notify the insurance company yourself. You will find a list of scrapyards authorised by the DGT at the following link (in Spanish) where you will be able to download a PDF listing all ‘Centros de Tratamiento de Vehiculos’ in the province that will include you area:


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