And on the subject of Brexit….


Els Poblets
September 8

The Editor,
Dear Sir,
I’ve got news for your correspondent to the letters page Sue Wilson. Brexit will be a great success and bring great benefits and a stronger economy to the UK despite miserable, unpatriotic pessimists as she obviously is.
M. Barnier and his team are staging a backs-to-the-wall show of obstruction to our negotiators while the European countries are all urging him to desist and get on with it. Why? Because British bought £310 billion worth of goods last year from EU countries while they only bought £240 billion from us. It is therefore in their interests to agree to our terms and their governments will let Brussels know this.
The EU is becoming structurally incapable of negotiating trade deals these days and their members know it and while China, the United States and India (huge economies) are queueing up to sign trade agreements with the UK as soon as we are free (or sooner perhaps). The EU have been unable to get anywhere in this direction although they’ve tried for decades.
Your correspondent should start reading the up market economists and press such as the Daily Telegraph and the Spectator which publications know it was the right decision to leave (and we Leavers still think so) and not the Guardian a paper regarded by most intelligent people as a joke.
All this in addition to the fact that the British people would once more be ruled by a democratic government of their own choosing and not a dictatorship thrust up them by the stealth of out-of-date dreamers.

Yours faithfully
Peter Henham


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