Phase three ‘Valencia style’


Valencia’s president Ximo Puig has spelled out the measures and freedoms that will apply during phase three of the exit plan in the region, which starts on Monday.
Regional governments have been given leave to decide how phase three will operate in their territories.
Sr Puig said he has opted for an ‘advanced’ phase three that will ‘relax’ restrictions to the maximum and ‘save jobs and businesses’.
“Together we have saved lives,” he said.
“Now has come the time to pick ourselves up and act with determination.”
Sr Puig explained that they have designed a phase three which is ‘more open’ than the norms outlined when the government set out their phased exit plan last month.
However, they have adopted ‘all the necessary hygiene and protection measures’.
The rules which form Valencia region’s phase three were published today in the regional government’s official bulletin (Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana).
According to Sr Puig, these norms ‘significantly increase the number of people allowed to enter establishments’ such as bars, restaurants and shops – and they have set a figure of 75% of maximum capacity for all these businesses, trading outlets and markets.
He reminded that if people cannot maintain a distance of 1.5 metres then they have to wear a face mask.
Bars and restaurants can serve customers at their bars with social distancing.
For bar and restaurant terraces, proprietors are allowed to use 100% of their normal table allocation but tables must still be two metres apart.
All timetables and restrictions for exercise and walks will be scrapped.
Freedom of movement is allowed between the three provinces of Castellón, Valencia and Alicante.
Sr Puig noted that their decree runs to 53 articles governing social, commercial and economic aspects of life – and education, culture and sports.
A full report on the decree will appear in next Friday’s Costa Blanca News


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