New look for Costa Blanca News


Costa Blanca News has a dynamic, fresh and more colourful look this week.

All our editions now include more colour pages and extra local news, without foresaking all those favourite sections readers appreciate so much. The new look is the result of  ‘keeping our ears open’ to constructive criticism and suggestions from you.

In addition, Costa Blanca News and Costa Levante news now include the 48-page full-colour supplement Costa Living. Based on the praise we recieve every year for our ‘Costa Life’ supplement, we now provide you with a weekly pull-out where you will find legal, tax, property and health advice, but also something we really value as expats: our lifestyle. This is why Costa Living includes food and wine articles, DIY, suggestions for leisure activities and travel, entertainment, puzzles, horoscopes and lots more.

So the newspaper doesn’t ‘fall apart’ with several supplements every Friday, we have also included our popular Med TV Guide in the Costa Living. You’ll find it towards the end of this supplement with all the latest on your favourite soaps and new programmes.

With these improvements, we hope you will be getting a more lively newspaper and more value for money. We realise you spend €2 each week and are entitled to demand not only quality, but quantity. Our last edition had ‘only’ 88 pages. Today, and for the same price, there are 112 pages, with a 64-page newspaper plus the 48-page supplement.

While a lot of thought and planning has been put into this, we realise that we cannot please every single reader, so we openly invite you to continue to give us your feedback so we can keep on improving. So please contact us on



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