Thanks for Brexit article


March 6, 2016

Thank you for your March 4 article concerning ‘Brexit’.
There is so much ignorance out there related to the EU that it is worrying that people may make the wrong choice in the referendum because of it.
I have not written to CB News for some considerable time, but the EU is far too important to be left to Conservatives like NJ Whiteside and Roy Eaton in the same issue.
The reasons to stay in are many but your article did not point out the benefits of EU legislation for workers’ rights? Working Time Directive limiting the working week, paid holidays, maternity leave and health and safety to name a few. Some of the main reasons, including xenophobia, why Tories want to leave the EU.
Before we joined the EU we had to pay tariffs which made our exports more expensive, to say tariffs wouldn’t be imposed if we left and our rights to free health would not be effected is juvenile in the extreme! We would be foolish to listen to the lies and propaganda from the Leave campaigns, who are even more divided than the Tory party!

Regards, Jack Johnson,


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