Septic tank leaking in Benitachell

Hands typing on black vintage typewriter, top view, retro toned

May 4

Dear sirs

I have a home in Benitachell which unfortunately has the next door neighbour’s septic tank in my garden, and for the last 2 1/2 years this has been overflowing regularly onto my terrace.

I have been trying myself and through my lawyer to get the owners to repair the septic tank.

We have contacted the police and the town hall of Benitachell but both say it is not their responsibility.

This situation is very dangerous as it is spreading disease and foul smells.

It is preventing me or my family from enjoying the use of my Spanish home for fear of catching whatever may be spreading on my terrace.

I find it most unusual that the council and the police will do nothing about a situation that could start another epidemic or ???

I am sure your reader’s would be interested in the dangers of visiting Benitachell


Hi Peter,
Thank you for your letter. I am sorry to hear about this awful situation.
It must be very distressing. We will try to find out how you should proceed in this matter.
The Editor


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