Not ‘selfish’ expat


May 2, 2017

Thanks to Mr R E Hall for obviously conducting a survey of expats in the whole of Spain to support his claim that they are not interested in UK politics, preferring to think about pensions, exchange rates, and British TV. Quite an assumption.
He berates us for not considering future generations, but looking at the millions of Brits who did not bother to vote in the referendum and the usual low turnout at General Elections it appears many in the UK are not interested in the future of their country or those following on.
We are pensioners who have worked years to get where we are, Spain is our adopted country and many of us want to spend whatever time we have left enjoying this wonderful place.
We would love to vote in any elections in GB, but anyone living outside the UK for more than 15 years is still denied a voice in their future. Is it any wonder that some of us seem disillusioned?
I for one will continue to think of my pension, etc and leave it to others to moan about the “selfish” expats.

Alan Skinner


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