Motorhomes question


August 23


We were speaking to a person yesterday about our plans to import our motorhome and they suggested that because the habitation door is on the left hand side of the vehicle that the Spanish authorities will not allow the vehicle to be registered in Spain?

Hopefully this is an ill-informed comment by the person, but I wonder if you could confirm that the location of the habitation door will not affect our ability to import the vehicle.

meticore reviews

Many thanks,

This reply comes from the retired author of the column “Mediterranean Motoring” Graham Shelton.

Dear Sir

Ah, the urge to escape from this mad world. No masks, no more filthy looks if you sneeze, drinking a vino tinto when and where you want. No mention of Brexit or the C word. So where is this heaven? Well, according to the press, the sale of motorhomes has gone through the roof as people look for somewhere remote to camp. Seems like the two items could be linked

By and large, vehicles in Spain are more expensive than in other countries and regarding homes on wheels, the specifications are generally lower too, so the temptation to buy one from ‘back home’ is understandable.

Unfortunately for our fellow countrymen, the ‘bar room lawyers’ don’t know it all. Mind you I did see a T shirt for sale the other day that said “I don’t need Google as my husband knows it all”.

So, for anyone who wants to know the facts, here they are. The steering wheel can be on the right, the accommodation access door can be on the left. Some folks get bent out of shape about this, but only those who would exit the vehicle into a flow of traffic. Why am I telling you this? Because the subject comes up all of the time. People have even given up on their dream of touring this fine country by taking their cherished motorhome back to the UK and cannot afford a Spanish one. I am prompted to write this because some so-called professionals in re-registration also perpetuate this total myth.

Most, but not all, motorhomes can be registered in Spain; to find out if yours can, take a look at the website below where all of the articles that I have written for the Costa News are contained. There is a listing for motorhomes, caravans and trailers.

Happy camping, enjoy the peace and tranquillity away from the naysayers.


Graham Shelton


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