Lack of services in Orihuela Costa

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July 22

I have to admit, as a Brit resident here in Spain, I don’t understand the local politics nor what the various Orihuela parties policies are.

However I read that Orihuela town council have voted not to allocate any of the €9.5 million which has become ‘available’ to Orihuela Costa to improve services. This, despite the continued reporting in the press and complaints to the council regarding the appalling lack of these services, the number of potholes, littered rubbish, pedestrian crossing whose markings are no longer visible, roadside weeds and broken pavements.

Clearly the press have an important role to play in questioning why Orihuela Costa doesn’t get its fair share of resources but as voters and property owners we could take up the suggestion mooted by a member of the Avoca residents’ association in Orihuela Costa which was to ask our community presidents to contact their administrators instructing them to file a complaint with the town hall. That way, together with continued press coverage showing photographs of the problems, Orihuela Council may begin to realise how their mis-management in not providing the level of services commensurate with our Suma contributions has lead to this current situation in Orihuela Costa.

David Kent

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