Dirty Benidorm


June 17

When we came to live permanently in this wonderful city of Benidorm some four years ago, there were several city council-employed road sweepers and cleaners patrolling and cleaning the pavements every day.
They managed against the odds to do a good job of clearing up after thoughtless visitors, and indeed some locals who deposit their unwanted rubbish anywhere except the provided bins. I won’t go into disgusting dog owners who allow their dogs to foul the pavements in every area, every night.
Just recently, there has been a distinct lack of road sweepers and cleaners, and when on my walks around numerous parts of Benidorm I’ve noticed a build-up of litter including plastic bags, discarded cigarette packets, empty beer cans, numerous designs of leaflets, half-empty plastic beer glasses and loads of dog mess.
Has the local council dismissed the men/women who sweep our streets? The whole city of Benidorm is looking shabby and smells from the bins, especially the bottle banks, is horrendous since the weather is getting hotter by the day. Now that Egypt, Tunisia and Turkey are offering cheap holidays to entice tourists back, it is doubly important to offer our great city as a more affordable, cleaner place to visit.

Steve Mangan
Benidorm resident


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