Cat lover at supermarket


Alfaz del Pi
June 15

Dear Editor,
I’ve been shopping at the Mas y Mas Supermercado for many years, and did notice a lot of stray cats that I’ve been feeding due to being a cat lover. I’ve also noticed the amount of young men/boys drinking alcohol on occasion on Saturdays and urinating on the lower car park that no one ever uses. I’ve also noticed the rowdiness and stink of pee on the walls. Maybe more animal lovers could help or cat homes could trap these cats for a better home away from these rowdy, noisy youths, whoever they may be.Perhaps the local police could patrol, it wouldn’t hurt to give a little help and get these bothersome alcoholics away from this particular ‘supermercado’ as it’s getting out of control. There are 12 cats doing no harm to anyone, at least there are no rats.
Mas y Mas San Rafael, Alfaz de Pi. I always go to this Mas y Mas because the staff are always cheery and helpful, in truth this is a problem with their weekend nights, the lower car park is turning into a tip with beer cans, broken glass and rubbish strewn, and the smell of human urine (defecation). About time, this was stopped, disgusting, and the cats looked after forever. Perhaps Seprona could help.
These louts are also kicking their water bowls over, this is ‘abuse’, how do these louts get beer.

Yours faithfully
Michael Day

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