90 day rule


May 30

Over the past weeks there have been numerous articles and letters regarding the 90 day rule in Spain.

A great number of people, including myself, purchased a property in this country to facilitate a holiday home, to be enjoyed as and when I could, always sticking to the 180 day rule with regard to non-residential occupancy.

Like many others, during my time in Spain I contributed to the economy paying all dues and purchasing a car. All bills like water, electricity, telephone, internet, suma, private health insurance being settled by standing order.

The purpose of this letter is to suggest a possible practical solution to the difficulty in the issue of a document in the form of a ‘Non resident home ownership certificate’.

To obtain such a document the house owner would produce, either at a police station or local town hall the following documents:

  1. Original or copy of the ‘escritura’ for the property.
  2. Passport.
  3. Recent utility bills.
  4. Copy of an up to date padrón.
  5. Any other relevant documentation as required.

On payment of an administration fee, say €50 the certificate would be issued and renewable say every three years.

This would entitle the owner(s), either sole or joint, access to their property as and when required.

This suggestion is of course open to any modification particularly with regard to the use of the property by immediate family members but I am sure there is an answer out there for a workable solution.

This idea could perhaps be considered by the EU as a whole as there are properties owned in all countries by non residents.

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