Bid to change ‘impossible’ holiday home law


ORIHUELA’S councillor for tourism Sofía Álvarez has asked Valencia to change the new law governing tourist apartment lettings, ‘as it is impossible for the councils to control them’.

According to Sra Álvarez, the law ‘has to be reviewed and clarified’ to enable unregistered holiday homes to get a licence.

Full story in Friday’s Costa Blanca News




  1. This appears to be the tin end of the wedge. Once you start copitulating on laws the problem of anti social behaviour and the failure to pay taxes becomes toxic. To circumvent laws is the downward spiral into uncontrolled behaviour.

    If taxes were collected and lettings were controlled the councils would have an enormous fiscal advantage to increase the numbers of doctors, nurses, police officers and assist the improvement of the infrastructure. Anything less is a failure where law abiding citizens will have their taxes increased to pay for those who won’t pay


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