Château Poulvère


If I’d also included the AOCs (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée) under whose auspices Château Poulvère works in the title of today’s Cork Talk, I’d have run out of space!

One of the interesting things about wineries in the Bergerac area of France is that they very often don’t produce just AOC Bergerac wines. There are a good number of chateaux whose families own vineyards in several areas nearby which fall under the category of different AOCs. A benefit of this for consumers is that one can visit one chateau and taste a variety of wines from different AOCs, perhaps even doing a comparative tasting. Different plots will have differing soils, microclimates, aspects to the sun etc – in short, terroirs. Therefore, even though perhaps the same varieties and vinification methods are being used, there will be subtle differences between these wines.

For the wineries, whilst it may mean that they have to start their harvests earlier as they will have to travel a little further, and closely coordinate the use of their fermentation vessels, cellars etc, they also have the advantage of having a pretty good chance of selling at least something to each visitor who comes knocking! And knock they do!

As you might guess, I’m in Bergerac right now where the weather has been beautiful. Covid 19 restrictions have been lifted somewhat and businesses are slowly getting back to work. Tourists, only a trickle so far relatively speaking, are reappearing so it’s no surprise to see one or two cars parked outside chateaux which advertise the availability of a degustation, a tasting.
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