Tragic weekend on the roads

GRAF7509. EL CAMPELLO (ALICANTE), 21/07/2019.- Efectivos de la Guardia Civil trabajan en la autopista AP-7, en el término de El Campello (Alicante), donde una persona ha fallecido y otras cuatro han resultado heridas, entre ellas un bebé de 18 meses, en un accidente de tráfico ocurrido sobre las 15:00 horas. El siniestro, que ha obligado a cortar totalmente la autopista en dirección a Alicante, se ha producido en el kilómetro 674 de la citada vía, a un kilómetro del peaje del Campello, por circunstancias aún no determinadas. EFE/ Morell

A total of 16 people have died in traffic accidents during a tragic 48 hours on Spain’s roads.

One of the worst smashes occurred on the AP-7 at El Campello – just outside Alicante city – yesterday (Sunday), where three people died, including a two-year-old child.

Full report in Friday’s Costa Blanca News


  1. there is a reason there are so many casualties on spanish roads firstly people are always speeding and the road signs should be in english not just spanish! for goodness sake look after your foreign visitors who pay most of your salaries. look after the tourist and locals make your bloody roads safer!


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