Ridiculous customs charges

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October 3


People need to be aware that the rules and regulations regarding customs duty has changed in Spain.

Thanks to Brexit everything now seems to be charged duty, and it is very very high! I received a very small packet from a friend last week and was charged €20 without any warning whatsoever.

If people are sending gifts to family or friends over the Christmas period, they need to be aware that it will cost the receiver a huge amount of money! Not many people are aware of these changes and it will be a nasty surprise.

Mrs P

Thanks for your letter. Readers should be aware that regulations have not changed in Spain. It is Britain’s status that has changed.
The UK is no longer in the European Union and no longer enjoys the benefits of being part of the ‘club’.
The Editor

Lo Pepin, Quesada
October 2

Dear sirs,

Yet another Spanish rip-off!

We have been at our home in Spain since August. My ‘PinSentry’ bank reader that I need to access my UK bank account malfunctioned the first week we arrived. Needless to say I needed a replacement, so I asked my daughter to immediately post a spare one out to me.

From the UK it cost her £4.50 – she posted it on September 3.

Yesterday (October 1) a notice arrived in our post box from Correos to say that it was ready to be collected once I had paid €7.47 for the privilege! This simple card reader, which was mine in the first place, will now have cost me over £11 and has taken a month to arrive.

Obviously the Spanish postal service leaves something to be desired.

Next time I need something sending it will be by FedEx.

Roger Gregory,


  1. You say regulations haven’t changed, but maybe the Spanish enforcement has certainly has changed. Anything I buy outside Europe is charged with import duties, regardless of value. Even if the sender does the paperwork, duty is till charged. This has suddenly happened from August 2021.


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