Problems with Correos


February 27

Dear Editor:

I’d like to add to Gary Pearson’s letter in edition 2438 concerning Correos. I too ordered from an Amazon supplier last November, paying over £100.

By January, whilst waiting for the said package I got in touch with the Correos delivery service who told me that the package was held up in customs since December 20, I then wrote (several times to the supplier). Not once did they reply. So I asked Amazon to try to sort this out for me. I too had a letter from Correos, delivered by hand with a form to fill in.

As I don’t speak Spanish this was difficult to work out, but I did my best and returned the form by express. No reply. I have since had a refund for the said order but did say I would reverse the refund if the package is delivered. Living close to Valencia there is no way as a pensioner would I drive to Madrid to collect the package. I gave the tracking number on several occasions EV742233345CN, still nothing.

When will these Spanish companies get their fingers out and act like a company instead of a bunch of idiots? I hope Correos will take note, perhaps get help from UK postal service on how to run a business.

Linda Garfield

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