Feeding feral cats during lockdown


San Juan
April 13

Dear Sirs,
I am referring to an article published in the Costa Blanca News North Edition of April 10-16 April 2020 – Page 25
“Feral cat-feeding guaranteed by law during lockdown”
written by Samantha Kett
I found this article very interesting, as I was stopped by a lady police on Saturday, March 21, or one week after lockdown, telling me that it was forbidden to feed the cats, and told me, after taking my DNI, if there is a next time, she would denounce me and told me to go home.
I should be grateful if I could have the translation of this article in Spanish and the number of the article of Law it refers to. In view of taking this matter up with the ‘ayuntamiento’ once they reopen their offices.
I have been told that a person in Benidorm has an authorisation to feed the cats, so how can this be forbidden!
Thanking you in anticipation, I remain, dear sirs,

Yours faithfully
M.L. Smith (Mrs)



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