Bull running


September 13

I am a vegan and animal activist (mainly factory farming) but the bull run in Dénia happens on the road that I live on. I can’t turn away from such horrible events that happen literally on my doorstep. People have been unsuccessful in their attempts to abolish the tradition of bull-running, so instead I started a petition that offers a child and animal-friendly alternative in the hope to appease everyone.
I was wondering whether you would be able to share my petition with your readers. The petition can be located at: https://www.change.org/p/replace-the-bulls-with-people-in-fun-inflatable-costumes
It is reported that you have thousands of readers and many of them are in the Costa Blanca region – this promotion would be invaluable to my petition. I am currently approaching 2500 signatures but we need all the awareness that we can get so the mayor of Dénia will take notice and make a change.
If you can offer any help to the cause, I would be ever so grateful.

Best regards
Zoë Gumm

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