The International Wine & Spirits Competition 2016 adhering to the official secrets act


Having just returned from Dunsford Park, nr Guildford, UK, and once considered Jeremy Clarkson’s natural home (along with James May and the rest of the Top Gear team, who used to film there), I’m bursting with information regarding the results of the IWSC Spanish Panel Tasting!
However, my roles – as IWSC Brand Ambassador for Spain; and as one of the judges, place me in a rather invidious position. On the one hand, I am a signatory to the confidentiality clause which forbids me to give out any results before the due date – an agonising six months away! But on the other, I’m keen to let those bodegas which have achieved medals, know of their successes, and indeed to congratulate them.
Ambivalence is my middle name! However, I shall restrain myself, with only general comments about this year’s exciting competition, whilst reminding readers that the IWSC is the oldest international wine competition in the world, and perhaps the most prestigious.

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