Final Musical Dinner with Paired Wines 2017


Our final Musical Dinner with Paired Wines of 2017 was held early December in Moraira harbour’s Club Nautico Restaurant. Whilst such dinners are usually ably supported by the wines of just one bodega, this time we thought we’d use three different wineries – one local, one (twice) from La Mancha, and the other from the Sierra Nevada and Britain – sort of!

Following an ‘amuse-gueule’ with ‘una copa de cava’ (what can I say, I’m such a linguist – not!), generously supplied by our hosts, our first course, was a ‘bacalao’ (cod) dish, with which I paired the first of our wines from Bodegas Finca Antigua (about whom I’ve written before – archived here click Articles, scroll to page 8 and scroll down a little).


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