Aging baby-making machine

As far as I can tell Mick Jagger has always got satisfaction

As far as I can tell Mick Jagger has always got satisfaction, the fruits of which are his eight children.
The Rolling Stones’ frontman may well be 73 but he’s still populating the planet with progeny. His latest is a boy, born last week to the musician’s 29-year-old ballerina girlfriend.
There are those who say that having a child when you are in the autumn of your life is irresponsible, selfish and wrong.
Being conceived with older sperm can be risky, and elderly folk may not be around as long as younger parents to care for their children as they grow up.
But if anyone can roll back the years it’s Sir Mick who along with the rest of the band defies just about every age stereotype there is.
Plus, he has good genes. Both his parents lived well into old age. This could be the last time he becomes a dad, but I wouldn’t bet against it. Time is still on his side.


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