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Tag: fake

Scaremongering reports anger residents

A scaremongering headline in a free English publication saying Spain was going back into lockdown on September 18 (which has been categorically denied by...

Fake news video -Benidorm is NOT in lockdown

As if businessess in Benidorm weren´t struggling enough already, a YouTube video has been circulating over the last few days stating that Benidorm is...

Four guilty of fake sickness scam

A FAMILY of fraudsters have been convicted of faking sickness in an attempted £45,000 sting after holidaying in Benidorm.

‘Fake news’ on the Costa

The term ‘fake news’ has had much prominence in the world media of late, with even President Trump attacking CNN for fabricating news stories....



Benidorm locks-up again

To avoid residents from other regions breaking the lockdown and trying to reach holiday apartments in Benidorm this May 1 holiday weekend, local authorities...

Deep snow in Alicante province

With the north of Alicante province still on red alert for snow today (Monday), around half a metre has fallen in Banyeres de Mariola...

Brexit passport rule changes

BRITISH people travelling within the European Union should be aware passport validity rules will change after December 31 because of Brexit. During the current transition...