Top minister to visit Costa Blanca News

GRA155. MADRID, 06/06/2016.- El ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, José Manuel García-Margallo, durante su intervención en la presentación de la iniciativa "España Construye", que pretende poner en valor el liderazgo de las empresas españolas, en un acto celebrado hoy en la Casa de América, en Madrid. EFE/Ballesteros

ACTING foreign minister José Manuel García-Margallo will visit Costa Blanca News next week.
The veteran politician will be shown around the newspaper’s headquarters in Finestrat.
He has also agreed to be interviewed on a range of issues affecting expats – including the EU referendum.
CBN would like to extend an opportunity to readers to put a question to Sr García-Margallo.
If you have an issue which you would like a response to, send your question to
The full interview will appear in next Friday’s Costa Blanca News.


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