Drought forecast for 2016

Axarquía's Viñuela reservoir has been on 'pre-alert' since July, says Junta

The Viñuela reservoir (pictured) is on 'pre-alert' and the Guadalhorce reservoirs could soon follow (Photo: D. Jamieson)

By Dave Jamieson

THE Axarquía is likely to suffer a drought next year. The regional environmental department says that La Viñuela, the largest reservoir in the province of Málaga, has been on a “pre-alert” since July.

At present, Viñuela which has a capacity of 165 cubic hectometre, is holding just 86.2 cubic hectometres. The pre-alert was triggered when the level fell below 104.7 cubic hectometres, in line with Andalucía’s special provisions on drought situations.

The entire province has had scarce rainfall for the past three years and on December 9, its reservoirs were recording a total of 55.8 per cent of their maximum 620-cubic-hectometre capacity.


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