Benalmádena urges motorway speed-up

Council wants exit upgrade to be completed by autumn 2019

The council passed a motion calling on the central government to accelerate progress on the project

BENALMÁDENA council last week passed a motion calling on the central government to speed up progress on work to remodel the town’s A7 motorway exit and drastically cut the amount of time the project is expected to take.

Work on the long-awaited development finally started last year, and at the time of the stone-laying ceremony in July the public works ministry said the project would take around 18 months to complete despite having a much longer execution period.

However, councillor and PSOE spokeswoman Ana Scherman said at last week’s meeting that “work has been going for six months and we can see that development is very slow” – a fact she claims will make it difficult for the government to keep to its word and cut the execution period from 57 months down to a year and a half, and have the project completed by autumn 2019.


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