Diputación approves €228 million budget for 2016

Ruling PP highlights social spending; PSOE criticises budget as 'right-wing'

Diputación president Elias Bendodo (standing) during the budget debate

By Oliver McIntyre

The provincial government – the Diputación de Málaga – last week approved its 2016 budget, which at 228 million euros is up 4.1 per cent from the 2015 budget.

When the Diputación’s various consortiums – firefighting, water, solid waste and others – and its public companies are included, the budget reaches a total of 293 million euros.

The budget was passed with the votes of the ruling Partido Popular and the Ciudadanos party, while the PSOE voted against and Izquierda Unida and Málaga Ahora abstained.

It is the first budget passed since the Partido Popular lost its overall majority in the Diputación earlier this year, and was described by the PP as being the product of “consensus” and “dialog,” an assessment that was shared by Ciudadanos, Málaga Ahora and the IU, though the PSOE charged that the PP had pushed through a “right-wing” budget that continues “a policy of cutbacks and suffering”.


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