Academy fights English word use with ‘Swine perfume’

The Royal Spanish Academy has launched a new TV campaign tocounteract the burgeoning mix of English with Spanish

The ad explains that swine is an English word for pig and sounds good but smells very bad

By Dave Jamieson

Viewers to Spanish television are being targeted in a new campaign to increase awareness of the number of English words which are creeping into the language.

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), which maintains a watching brief on Spanish to ensure it maintains a unity within the Hispanic world, has responded to a report which claims that the number of brands using English terms in their advertisements rose from 30 in 2003 to 322 in 2015.

These include terms such as “anti-aging” and “eco-friendly” which, says the RAE, are used even if not understood by viewers. However, it notes that others, such as “brainstorming”, “branding” and “community manager,” have also entered the language.




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