TIE card queries

August 9
Good morning Editor,
Just read the letter from the gentleman/lady who visited Alicante recently to obtain their T.I.E. card. Although I feel the answer to their first question was a bit harsh, it is the answer to the second that relates to my wife and I.
We have been assured by so many official people, both legal experts, and British Consulate, and now from the Embassy itself, through your own comment, that the Green A4 certificate that my wife, and I obtained back in 2008 is, and will be totally legal for our continued residence in Spain, even when this year ends.
As I, and probably the vast majority of ex-pats in the same position, are happy to accept this as Gold Plated, should not this processing officer who made the totally incorrect information, be removed from dealing with the public, if he/she is unfamiliar with the correct facts? Surely, comments such as these only go to create confusion, which is completely unnecessary!
Maybe a little pressure from yourselves, or those better placed, would stop any more of these such ill-informed comments.
Regards, G. D. Johnson
Dear readers
We hope you will find the article inside this week’s Costa Living supplement on ‘Picking up you TIE card’ helpful. It includes comments from the Embassy.

Read more in this week’s print edition or go to e-paper


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