In response to Ron Gumbleton (CBN 29/12)


December 30

Yes, you are right, you can tell a lot about a person from a letter; however, in this case, I want to say I pray to God you do not claim to be a clairvoyant, for you couldn’t be more wrong if you tried, and certainly wouldn’t make a penny out of your predictions.

If you think I’ve never known poverty in my life, again you are mistaken. If you believe I lived in a large expensive house in the Home Counties – again you are wrong unless you count a council flat in North London as large and expensive. A yacht! I hate boats, so again you are wrong. Husband, ex-banker/financier – boy, you are so, so wrong again. As for worshipping Maggie Thatcher, I can assure you I have never worshipped anyone in my life, other than my parents – so sorry, wrong again.

As for mentioning the Second World War, don’t even go there. My father was a hero, my hero. He didn’t reject anyone but got on with his life to give what he could to his children by working hard.

As for decent Brits still existing – well there’s at least one, and she’s writing to you.

Linda Garfield



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